Using Survey Gizmo

There are several online survey programs available in the web.  My preferred software is Survey Gizmo because it has no limit to the number of questions you can ask and there is no limit to the number of respondents you can have (some online programs have a fixed limit for free accounts).

Although some of the features in Survey Gizmo are only available to those who subscribe to a basic account, the available features in a free account are enough to make a professional looking survey that is accessible and available to anyone.

What I like the most in Survey Gizmo is that it has tools that will allow you to test your survey as well as to simulate respondents through an online bot program.

To learn more about Survey Gizmo, check out this tutorial:

Using Piktochart

Piktochart is an online program that is similar to the likes of Photoshop or Illustrator.  But being an online program, it has the advantage of being available to edit and/ or publish anywhere so long as you have an Internet connection.

I particularly like Piktochart because of its simplicity and accessibility especially when I would have to create Infographics or Presentations for my Statistical Tables and Graphs

Here is a tutorial on Piktochart

Using Jing

There are times when taking Screenshots can’t be done using PRTSC because the Clipboard gets locked.  One solution to this problem is through a software called Jing.

Another feature of Jing is that you can select the area of your screen that you would like to capture a screenshot off (In short: you already get to crop your screenshot!)

Here is a tutorial on how to use Jing

Using EViews

EViews is my software of choice in conducting a Statistical Analysis, whether it be a descriptive analysis, modeling, forecasting, or even simple graphing, if the data has a time element to it, called a time-series data.  Examples of Time Series data could be a country’s GDP, or a company’s daily stock price.

Here is a tutorial on how to do a basic descriptive analysis using EViews